Summer School 2016: Closing
On September 9, 2016, at Ramada Hotel, closing ceremony of Summer School was organized by the Sailing Federation of Azerbaijan (SFA). Besides SFA’s management committee, international experts, athletes, community representatives participated at the event.
Mr. Gudrat Gurbanov, President of SFA opened the event and underlined recent success of Azerbaijani athletes in Rio Olympics 2016 where won the most medals in the first place among the countries in proportion to the number of athletes in the Olympiad, which indicates the importance of sport in the country.
In his speech Mr. Gurbanov spoke about the works done and future plans of the Federation, appraising the achievements of our athletes in the short term, expressed his gratitude from the first Federation Cup of the Sailing Federation in “Optimist class”.
He specially noticed the importance of the media to promote a healthy lifestyle and increase public interest to the sailing sport. Media and other partners who are actively involved in this process were presented memorial plaquet by the management committee of Federation.
During the event Burcu Algon Giorgianni, SFA’s sailing manager together with SFA coaches – Seyhun Yildiz, Tugce Subashi was presented report on works done, they gave information about international competitions our athletes are expected to participate in the forthcoming period. She also noted that the main target is training and participation of our national athletes in order to represent our country in international competitions.
Certificates were given to the participants and selected candidates of the Summer School which organized by SFA. During this event new “Media Competition 2016” was announced together with terms of the competition to media representatives who attended the event.